Promoting stroke recovery at home

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Cognivive is creating engaging, evidence-based, and personalized therapeutics for patients to self-administer at home. Our treatment modules constantly adapt their challenge to each patient’s performance in real time. We use fully-immersive virtual reality to activate the brain in the same way it responds in the real world.

Tackling Stroke Rehabilitation’s Biggest Problem

Backed by decades of scientific research, Cognivive is solving the problem of extending therapy beyond the clinic. How? With virtual reality treatment games designed for patients to use at home. Our adaptive activities are built to facilitate neuroplasticity through greater intensity and repetition of targeted upper extremity exercises.

Science Foundation

Rehabilitation That’s Enjoyable For Patients

Cognivive’s therapeutic activities are designed to support a patient's intrinsic motivation to exercise and promote long-term adherence. Our virtual worlds are built like commercial-quality video games, so at-home therapy never feels like homework, just fun. As our patients' abilities grow, so does the experience, so there's always something challenging and new to keep patients engaged.

Design methodology

Digital Medicines Patients Want To Take